Here at JOY you will not find pretense and formality however you will experience authentic worship, genuine love and a place that you will one day soon be happy and proud to call home.

Our love must be active and our emotions must have feet if our faith is to benefit others.
We know that as your love for God grows here in the fellowship of JOY that
our reach together will be greater. Pastor Jay

Written by Amanda Prado recently moved from Michigan
If you attend Joy, you've got a good church.
You've got a praise and worship team that is genuine with their heart in the right place. Not a concert with lasers and fog machines, not fake humility postures, not forced "emotional" vocals.
You've got a pastor who preaches from the Bible. Not a counseling session with a few random verses to make you feel good about yourself.
You've got people who will know your name and will love you and be there for you if you just give them half a chance.
You've got solid Bible teaching in various classes and activities.
No church is perfect. But there are fewer and fewer getting the important things right.
We visited three churches yesterday here in GA. After hours online looking over literally at least 100 in the area.
One of those three churches has become my new "horror story" church.
"For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires." 2 Timothy 4:3
If you haven't visited any churches recently, let me tell you a little of what's out there...
-A pastor who is not even in the building, but is giving his talk to several churches in several cities online.
-A sermon series titled "At The Movies" where you grab your candy and popcorn in the foyer, then an usher seats you according to how many in your party (because the place is so packed). You then watch snippets of "Meet the Parents", while the pastor occasionally interrupts (on the big screen remeber) to tell you not to lie because it gets you nowhere, and you should just "be the best You you can be!"
-Praise team that is all about performance and concert experience.
-"Communion on the Go" with individually wrapped elements you grab in the foyer ( near the popcorn and candy).
-Everyone funnels in, everyone funnels out. Someone outside waves a sign saying "Sunday Funday!" And yells for you to have a great week. No one fellowships. No one knows your name. No one cares to know your name.
With this type of church becoming the majority, is it any wonder why Christianity is struggling these days?
We are the church. We come together to worship God, to learn His wisdom (not worldly logic) and to support each other. This world is a hard place...we need to be equipped, not entertained.
If you've attended Joy, you've found one of the few real churches still out there. Be there for yourself, and be there for others.
Treasure it.